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Mapping units Converter of surveyor mapping coordinates


Transformation of geolocation coordinates and address points

Mapping coordinates

This online converter of surveying geographic coordinates processes GPS coordinates (WGS84), S-JTSK (Czech), UTM, what3words, OLC, MGRS and geopositioning mapping data.

Conversion of surveyor mapping coordinates WGS84 (GPS) in decimal degrees and in the degree-minute-second format (DMS), as a position in the S-JTSK coordinate system, as UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator, ellipsoid WGS84), as Gauss-Krüger (Germany), in the three-word coding system what3words, in the open location code (OLC), in the military MGRS code (NATO) and coordinates from the forward and backward geocoding in Google Maps. Your interactive position on a map and other mapping and surveying tools.

Address Address
W3W what3words
W3W My position
LAT: (lattitude)                 LON: (longitude)
use DMS (degree-minute-second)

You need to log in first to employ the coordinate conversion. Use the function Log-in or register first.

--- RESULT ---------------------------------------------------------
GPS preview
no warranty for precision

Related links:
Online converter of physical units
Reverse geocoding - street address of a point on map
GeoCode with what3words location codes
AutoCAD as a physical unit converter
ConvertCoord utility
Tips to "GPS" in AutoCAD