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How to run an external application (EXE) in AutoCAD LT?

A - answer This operation is normally not possible. But you can use a trick with temporary redefinition of LT's text editor. Eg. you can run Win Calculator with this toolbar macro:
(you may encounter problems with Calc in Win2000 and higher - it doesn't accept input; use another calculator application in this case)

Plus, since AutoCAD LT 2000, you can also use direct launching of external applications - see (search for) the LT command "AI_STARTAPP".

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See also:
Tip 14007:Workaround for the missing (vlax-create-object) in AutoCAD LT (voice, clipboard, etc.)
Tip 14006:Universal MsgBox in AutoLISP.
Tip 5091:How to run an external EXE program from AutoCAD?
Tip 2509:How to start Windows Explorer in the current drawing folder?

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