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Téma uzavřenoSP1 pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016

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Vladimír Michl Zobrazit panel
Arkance Systems

Přihlášen: 09.zář.2004
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Přímý odkaz na tuto zprávu Téma: SP1 pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016
    Zasláno: 03.srp.2015 v 17:30
Byl uveden Service Pack 1 pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016. V průběhu následujících dnů se objeví i ve vašem Application Manageru. Můžete si jej ale stáhnout už teď, v sekci Download.
Přehled oprav a rozšíření:

Enhancements Included in This Service Pack

The following enhancements have been made in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Service Pack 1:
  • A .NET API is now available for feature lines.
  • DGN 3D Polyline linetype are now supported.
  • Hydraflow Storm Sewers now exposes K inflow coefficient values in calculation results.
  • Hydraflow Storm Sewers now supports the Composite Energy Loss Method (FHWA HEC-22 2001), which requires both critical depth as a minimum depth and that the inlet control checks be selected. This supplements the Automatic condition which used only the geometry of the network to determine the energy losses at junctions.

Primary Issues Resolved by This Service Pack

The following issues have been resolved in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Service Pack 1:

Alignments, Corridors, and Quantity Takeoff

  • An issue has been resolved where the Alignment.CreateOffsetAlignment API method did not allow the user to specify Start and End Stations.
  • An issue has been resolved where the Takeoff with Limit Extents to Alignment Station Range of the Takeoff command option would produce incorrect results if more than one region was present.
  • An issue has been resolved where launching the Corridor Parameter Editor would cause the application to close unexpectedly.

DWG and DGN Export

  • An issue has been resolved where intersecting feature line elevation points were not converted correctly on export.
  • An issue has been resolved where feature lines created from a corridor had incorrect geometry after conversion to DWG/DGN.
  • An issue has been resolved where the color and linetype of feature lines were not converted correctly to DGN.
  • An issue has been resolved where custom AutoCAD color books were not properly mapped to DGN color table colors.
  • An issue has been resolved where the export would fail if parcels were present in a drawing.
  • An issue has been resolved where structures that were represented as sliced solids in profile were lost after export to DWG.
  • An issue has been resolved where feature lines and survey figures were flattened to 2D polylines when a drawing was exported to DWG/DGN.
  • An issue has been resolved where not specifying a DWS file would cause the application to close unexpectedly.
  • An issue has been resolved where selecting a DWS file would cause the application to close unexpectedly.
  • An issue has been resolved where surface contours were exploded twice as lines instead of polylines.
  • An issue has been resolved where the incorrect UCF file was used for DGN conversion.
  • An issue has been resolved where the default seed file path was empty in the Export Settings dialog box.
  • An issue has been resolved where line weights were not remapped according to the specified remapping file.
  • An issue has been resolved where a surface border was exported to a polyline, but plinegen was not enabled.
  • An issue has been resolved where an exception dialog box was displayed when exporting a drawing.
  • An issue has been resolved where an error message would appear in an AutoCAD Map Messages dialog box during the export process.

Gravity and Pressure Networks

  • An issue has been resolved where pipe network structures would scale incorrectly when displaying in viewports.
  • An issue has been resolved where pipe network structures displayed in profile view were incorrectly drawn when the style was set to Display as Boundary.
  • An issue has been resolved where multiple parts with the same dimensions could not be added to a pipe network parts list.
  • An issue has been resolved where the Material property was missing from crossing pipe labels.
  • An issue has been resolved where pressure pipe data shortcuts were not updating after synchronizing.

Hydraflow Storm Sewers

  • An issue has been resolved where the Hydraflow Storm Sewer Inlet and Gutter Spread values were shown as the same value regardless of condition.
  • An issue has been resolved where the JLC coefficient value could be entered as a negative value.

Import and Attach Coordination Model

  • An issue has been resolved where the Coordination Model contextual ribbon was not available.


  • An issue has been resolved where a 3D polyline overrule would not work without AutoCAD linetypes.
  • An issue has been resolved where blocks used in annotation label styles would display with the current layer’s linetype when XREFed into another drawing.
  • An issue has been resolved where linetypes imported from DGN did not honor the PSLTScale setting.

Open InfraWorks 360 Model

  • An issue has been resolved where InfraWorks 360 planning pipe networks could not be opened in the Russian version of Civil 3D 2016 when using a Russian template.
  • An issue has been resolved where while opening an InfraWorks 360 sqlite model that contained an intersection, the numbers were inconsistent in the import progress bar.
  • An issue has been resolved where opening an InfraWorks 360 model with a design road that had a non-zero start station would result in an existing ground profile in AutoCAD Civil 3D that started with a station of zero.
  • An issue has been resolved where planning road names were empty when opening a model from an IMX file.
  • An issue has been resolved where the entire model was opened after switching to “Select area of interest”.

Plotting and Annotation

  • An issue has been resolved where alignment labels that contained expressions did not scale correctly in the layout view.
  • An issue has been resolved where parcel segments could not be labeled correctly if they were bisected by an alignment.
  • An issue has been resolved where selecting Automatic Publish Settings in Options > Plot and Publish Settings would cause the application to close unexpectedly.
  • An issue has been resolved where contour label gaps were scaled incorrectly when panning and zooming in a viewport.
  • An issue has been resolved where expressions would not update after using the Import Styles command.

Surfaces and Feature Lines

  • An issue has been resolved where pasting surfaces in a particular order would cause an error.

Vault and Data Shortcuts

  • An issue has been resolved where Vault projects in a folder were not sorted by name, but by creation date.
  • An issue has been resolved where the application would become unresponsive when importing a zip file into a project folder.
  • An issue has been resolved where not all drawings were imported into a project when importing a zip file.
  • An issue has been resolved where after importing a project with published objects, the published objects would not be listed in Prospector.
  • An issue has been resolved where after exporting a project under a folder to a zip file, the project could not be re-imported.
  • An issue has been resolved where in the Data Shortcut Manager, if you would associate an alignment and then use the UNDO command, a “source not found” message was displayed.
  • An issue has been resolved where after setting the data shortcut working folder, the application would close unexpectedly.
  • An issue has been resolved where it took a long time to open a drawing from Vault.
  • An issue has been resolved where it took a long time to display the Select Projects to Display dialog box.
  • An issue has been resolved where in certain configurations, opening project files through Vault within AutoCAD Civil 3D would take a long time.

Vladimír Michl (moderátor)
Arkance Systems s.r.o. -
(podpora viz helpdesk.arkance-system
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