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Téma uzavřenoUveden SP1 pro rodinu AutoCAD 2016 (Win10)

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Vladimír Michl Zobrazit panel
Arkance Systems

Přihlášen: 09.zář.2004
Lokalita: ČR (JČ)
Implementujeme řešení Autodesk
Stav: Offline
Bodů: 21844
Přímý odkaz na tuto zprávu Téma: Uveden SP1 pro rodinu AutoCAD 2016 (Win10)
    Zasláno: 29.zář.2015 v 09:23
Byl uveden Service Pack 1 pro AutoCAD 2016 a další produkty založené na AutoCADu 2016 (jednotný Service Pack - jedna z novinek verzí 2016). Kromě oprav chyb a doplnění některých funkcí (EPDFSHX) přináší také kompatibilitu AutoCADu 2016 s Windows 10. Ke stažení na stránce Download, brzy také v Application Manageru.
Kompatibilita SP1:
AutoCAD and Verticals Products:
  • AutoCAD 2016
  • AutoCAD LT 2016
  • AutoCAD Architecture 2016
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016
  • AutoCAD Electrical 2016
  • AutoCAD Map 3D 2016
  • AutoCAD Mechanical 2016
  • AutoCAD MEP 2016
  • AutoCAD P&ID 2016
  • AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016
  • AutoCAD Utility Design 2016

Autodesk Design Suites:

  • Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2016
  • Autodesk AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2016
  • Autodesk AutoCAD with Advance Steel 2016
  • Autodesk Building Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk Factory Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk Plant Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk Product Design Suite 2016
  • Autodesk Revit Collaboration Suite 2016
Opravy chyb:

Problems Reported with the Customer Error Reporting Utility



  • Occasional crashes when adding dimension, mtext, or mleader objects in layout viewports.


  • Occasional crashes when working in a drawing containing a large image file.
  • Occasional crashes when working in a geolocation drawing with an attached image.
  • Occasional crashes when using the mouse wheel to zoom out in certain drawings with attached images.

Point Cloud

  • Occasional crashes when docking or closing the Point Cloud Manager palette in Windows 10.


  • Occasional crashes when publishing multiple layouts to single-sheet PDFs.


  • Occasional crashes after object selection in a drawing with many xref layers.


  • Crashes on startup when using certain AMD display cards with a recent driver.
  • Occasional crashes when working with customized object snaps.
  • Occasional crashes when there are a large number of polylines with assigned lineweights.
  • Occasional crashes when opening certain drawings.
  • Occasional crashes when attaching a PDF file.
  • Occasional crashes when closing the program when there are a large number of layers in the drawing.
  • Occasional crashes when moving objects using object snaps in 3D to a block or a reference in a layout.
  • Occasional crashes when opening drawings from network folder shortcuts in Windows 10.
  • Occasional crashes when selecting and deleting a subobject in a 3D solid.
  • Occasional crashes when repeatedly opening and closing AutoCAD, and using the Refedit command along with Undo and Redo operations.

General Service Pack Updates


3D Modeling

  • Applying a Curve Surface Intersection between a plane and a line gives an incorrect result in some cases.


  • A nested block moves in some cases after it is fully exploded.

Cursor Badge

  • The Zoom cursor badge does not turn off for the Zoom Window command even when the CURSORBADGE system variable is set to 1.


  • Associative dimension values change when you change their dimension style in some cases.


  • Part of the complex DGN linetype in a curve is missing when High Quality Geometry is turned on.
  • The wrong linetype displays when opening a drawing with complex DGN linetypes that are assigned to pline arcs.
  • Concentric arcs with a small opening angle may not be displayed as concentric at some zoom levels.
  • Ellipses and elliptical arcs on a layer with VP Freeze turned on display outside the layout viewport.
  • Some object colors change when using ZOOM together with 3D Visual Styles with faces displayed.


  • The associativity of gradient fills turns off when you create them by clicking inside boundaries.
  • Cannot set the hatch origin when using the ribbon when the COMMANDPREVIEW system variable is turned on.
  • The hatch pattern definition is limited to 80 characters.
  • The intersection osnap doesn't work for hatch patterns.
  • The hatch pattern doesn't change in some cases when choosing a different hatch pattern from the ribbon during hatch creation.


  • There is double space between each layer when the Layer Properties Manager is first opened.

Object Snap

  • The intersection osnap does not work inside hatch patterns.

Plot and Publish

  • Wipeout and masked text prints black when using the DWG to PDF PC3 file under Printer/Plotter.
  • A hatch set to the color white is printed as black in a PDF in some cases.
  • Hyperlinks attached to certain blocks causes the plotted PDF files to inflate in size.
  • The text formatted for reading right-to-left is printed upside down.
  • A high resolution image in a drawing might have an unexpected result when exported as a DWF file in some cases.
  • A mismatched plot page size results in an error report and halts the print job in some cases.
  • The default PDF file name discards all characters that follow a period.
  • In some Truetype fonts, characters with diacritical marks that are underlined in a text object do not plot.
  • When plotting PDF files, SHX text in PDF comments can be turned off by setting EPDFSHX=0 (the default is 1). In addition, some PDF viewers display text that uses SHX fonts as comments and this system variable addresses this issue as well. In a future release, we plan to rename this system variable to begin with the letters PDF.


  • Performance slows down for the OPEN and REGEN commands in drawings that contain many dynamic block with fields.
  • Performance slows down with the PUBLISH command in some cases.
  • Performance is affected when opening drawings containing references to unresolved data extraction (DXE) files.

Quick Properties Palette

  • The Quick Properties palette is not displayed anymore after closing the Block Editor when the Ribbon is closed.
  • The Quick Properties palette displays unexpectedly when editing a Hatch object.


  • Includes a security patch to address a vulnerability where a specially crafted raster image in a drawing can trigger unauthorized code execution.

User Interface

  • With right-click set to operate as an Enter at the Command prompt, a menu appears instead.


  • The 3DCLIP and DVIEW options, CLip and Camera, doesn't clip circles, arcs, ellipses and elliptical arcs when High Quality Geometry is turned on.
  • Lines are not clipped by the edges of layout viewports if the drawing contains a clipped PDF, DWF, or DWFx underlay.
  • The ALIGN command doesn't work correctly for an object that is slightly rotated.
  • Signed VLX files containing DCL dialogs boxes fail to display.
  • Using eTransmit includes xrefs despite the Bind External References option being checked.
  • The Start tab, Design Feed palette, and Help window do not display correctly with higher DPI settings.
  • Customized Table Data in Table Style Settings fail to display.
  • The tooltip from the Start tab remains displayed when Design Feed palette is open.
Vladimír Michl (moderátor)
(podpora viz
Zpět nahoru

Pro technickou podporu CAD
kontaktujte Helpdesk

Příbuzné CAD tipy:
Tip 10527:VIPChyba "Windows Installer" při instalaci AutoCAD LT 2016 pod Win10.
Tip 10435:Kompatibilita Autodesk software s Windows 10 a s .NET 4.6/4.7/4.8.
Tip 10640:V jakém pořadí instalovat service packy CAD produktů?
Tip 11356:VIPInventor - zrychlení načítání tabulky závitů ve Win 10
Tip 10792:VIPRevit 2016 se zasekává několikasekundovým zamrzáním.
Tip 10904:VIPVault - ztráta asociace mezi položkou a souborem (Aktualizace)

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