Display full version of the post: Add Plot style to drawing

Anja Linaa
24.10.2014, 13:21

Hi, I hope you can help me.I have this issue where I have added a .ctb style to the Plot Styles directory folder but when I want to choose it in the page set up dialog box it doesn't appear. I have checked that the program is pointing at the correct folder. Also I have checked that .ctb is the format to be used (also I see all other plot styles from the folder). The drawing is a conversion from Smartplant to .dwg delivered to me and the .ctb file is delivered also by same company.  Thank you in advance. Regards,Anja

John Connor
24.10.2014, 14:05
Go into Options, Plot and Publish tab, lower right pick Plot Style Table Settings, pick Use color Dependent plot styles and see if that makes any difference.

Anja Linaa
24.10.2014, 14:15

I now tried to follow the path you mention and I see that the option is already picked. 

John Connor
24.10.2014, 14:39
Then I'd check that the .ctb file is actually where AutoCAD expects it to be.  How did you determine the proper location in the first place?