Display full version of the post: Autocad 2011

11.03.2012, 07:02
hi frnds,
 i need help from you. i have autocad 2011. this working properly. but when i go to front view in cad i can't able to move objects z axis. pls help.............

John Connor
11.03.2012, 12:19
You do know how to manipulate the UCS right?

12.03.2012, 10:38
 [QUOTE=shefer]when i go to front view in cad i can't able to move objects z axis[/QUOTE]
You may easily move objects in any view, by means of relative coordinates.For instance, if you wanna elevate an object up to 962 units higher, then move it from "0,0,0" to "@0,0,962"