Display full version of the post: Cliff's Notes on The Future of Making

04.10.2016, 04:00
The Autodesk vision is to help people imagine, design, and create a better world. In this pursuit, our mission is to deliver products and services that enable the Future of Making Things. Autodesk customers imagine, design, and create a better world via places, things, and media (films, TV shows, commercials, video games). Our software helps them design, make, and use their creations. Over the last year or so, many of our employees have collaborated to coalesce what we mean by the Future of Making Things. Mark Tricarico is one of our Senior Writers. He created a nice summary of our thoughts on the Future of Making Things. I am sharing it with It's Alive in the Lab readers because I think it is an excellent encapsulation of how Autodesk is approaching the industries we serve. I like clear and concise — the Cliff's Notes1 of the Autodesk story. The Future of Making Things Today's dominant technology trends — cloud computing, mobile technology, social connection, and collaboration — are driving businesses and consumers alike to explore profoundly different ways to design, make, and use things. And they're disrupting every sector in which Autodesk operates. Industries are converging, integrating, and connecting, and this cross-pollination is resulting in rapid innovation. The process of creation is evolving beyond the traditional linear path into a more integrated cycle of input and feedback — in three areas in particular: Design Collaboration — virtual teams with global expertise are replacing local teams. Capital — democratized funding is leveling the playing field for marketable ideas. Computing — the cloud is making vast amounts of data and computing power available anytime, anywhere. Make Production — advanced manufacturing methods are hastening speed to market. Access — microfactories are replacing traditional production facilities, enabling startups to compete with large corporations. Consumers — today's buyers demand more personal, customized products — and they want them quickly. Use Interrelated objects — digital systems are being integrated with physical objects, making them connected and intelligent. Sensors — places, things, and media are collecting and communicating data points by the billions. Feedback loop — connected structures and products respond to user data and provide insights for improvements. In today's competitive landscape, anyone can be an innovator — and it's all about who innovates first. There is tremendous opportunity for those with the right tools and guidance. With a history of guiding customers through such disruptions and unparalleled cross-industry experience, Autodesk is uniquely positioned to prepare its customers to thrive in this age of innovation. Our cloud-based design ecosystem is leading a new era of agile development with the computing power to support integrated processes and connect people and things. Thanks, Mark. For people who have never heard of Autodesk, based on what our customers do, here is what we say: If you’ve ever driven a high-performance car, admired a towering skyscraper, used a smartphone, or watched a great film, chances are you’ve experienced what millions of Autodesk customers are doing with our software. With Autodesk, you have the power to make anything. The future of making is alive in the lab. Go to the original post...