Display full version of the post: Creating Movie Clip With AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011

05.07.2011, 16:41

I am currently busy with a 3D model of an Office Park and I want to make a movie clip of the completed model and use it as a Screen Saver. The Clip must be made similar to using continuous orbit.

Will anyone be able to give me advise on how to do it and if its even possible??

Any help or advice will be appreciated.

philippe JOSEPH
06.07.2011, 07:29
Try the "ANIPATH" command to create clips with a "movie camera" running along a path that you have drawn with a line, circle or 3D inclined polyline.
A lot of settings are to be done.
Do create tests before because the creation of a clips takes a lot of time.
You can create a clip dirrectly in "realistic" form with a setting of "2D string style".
You can create clips in different extentions .avi .wmv etc... in different size.
Anything else I'm also interested to know.
May be "INVENTOR" or an other AUTODESK product will create clips easier and/or with a better look.

06.07.2011, 07:51
Thanks for the feedback. I will check if I can make it work.