Display full version of the post: Data Tables content linked to Excel?

24.02.2013, 18:01
Hi,It's my first post in this forum, I hope this is the right place to post my question.Im using Autocad Map 2011 and I have a DWG file with hundreds of data tables (2x2) spread all over a map. All table content is in text, and they have a cell with an ID (manually inserted in autocad - in the first top/left cell)My goal is to link the data table contents to an excel spreadsheet, so that i can update table values from excel.Attached DWG to get the idea.uploads/348168/Drawing1.dwg

25.02.2013, 09:18
Good question, senhor.As far as I know, you can link N Excel records (each containing M fields) to N Autocad ID's, but the result won't be a beautiful table like yours.With the command _MAPDEFINELT, you'll get N objects, each containing M "object datas", visible in Properties.