Display full version of the post: Date and time are not correct

04.04.2024, 14:25
At the moment I have a problem with Autocad 2021 and that is that it does not want to save a drawing with the correct time and date in the explorer.When I open a drawing, for example UA.001 Existing condition of asphalt pavement, via the explorer and make changes to it and save it, the date and time remains the same as before opening! When I save the modified drawing 'via save as', the date and time do not change either!See appendix 01The bizarre thing is that the changes in the drawing are saved.When I open Autocad and then use the command “open” in this explorer, I see the correct date and time in the drawing when the changes were made and saved. See appendix 02.

Vladimir Michl
05.04.2024, 18:21
Right click on the header in File Explorer and choose Modification Date instead of Date.

23.04.2024, 13:43
Thankyou brader..Pelatihan BIM

01.06.2024, 23:56
In AutoCAD, there’s a system variable called FIELDEVAL which controls when fields in a drawing, such as the save date, are updated. Make sure it’s set to update fields upon opening, saving, or plotting the drawing. You can adjust this setting by typing FIELDEVAL into the command line and setting its value to 31. AutoCAD 2024 2D and 3D drafting.Use ‘SaveDate’ Field: Instead of using ‘CreateDate’, use the ‘SaveDate’ field in your title blocks or text fields. This field should update upon saving the file.kriperflag2024-06-01 23:56:57