Display full version of the post: How to draw thiss shape

01.06.2016, 19:24
Can I get some help how I draw shape like in image below? This bulges is problem for me.

rdjavi2016-06-01 19:25:32

John Connor
01.06.2016, 19:47
The "bulge" appears to be helical.  Is it?  Is the object itself cylindrical or tapered?

01.06.2016, 20:19
The object is cylindrical and bulge is helical only to the longitudinally bulge which runs the entire length and which divides the object into two parts which is why I can not draw simple helix and with swip command draw deired shape.

philippe JOSEPH
02.06.2016, 07:16

Hello rdjavi and John, you can find in the CAD/BIM Blocks library the file :Dywidag.dwg from Vladimir but it's 2D.
philippe JOSEPH2016-06-02 07:20:48

John Connor
02.06.2016, 11:28
Too bad the drawing bears no resemblance to the object that is pictured in the first post of this thread.

John Connor
02.06.2016, 13:09
[QUOTE=rdjavi]The object is cylindrical and bulge is helical only to the longitudinally bulge which runs the entire length and which divides the object into two parts which is why I can not draw simple helix and with swip command draw deired shape.[/QUOTE]You could but the real problem would be that it looks like the bulge is tapered at both ends which means that extruding a simple profile (ex. - a circle) along the helix wouldn't give you what is shown in the image you posted.  Your bulge looks like a "slug".The bulge is tapered is it not?

John Connor2016-06-02 13:18:47

02.06.2016, 19:23

Thanks to everyone for the help!John, yes bulge is tapered and looks like slug. I find the way to draw thiss shape. I draw helix only for one slug, and on ends of helix I draw the small circle and on the centar helix I draw the bigest circle end use Loft command to make a slug shape with helix path. Then I copy slug to the end of the object end switch to the Top view end rotate all slugs with copy option  to the other side of object. Then I use Union command to union the slugs end object.

rdjavi2016-06-02 19:24:50

John Connor
02.06.2016, 20:24
And the two ends curve opposite each other like the letter "S"?