Display full version of the post: How to sweep a shank - handrail??

01.12.2009, 00:10

Hi guys . I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out with
this wreath ( shank ) handrail. I have tried with extrude, sweep and
loft but just can't make it to work .
Arnoldo2010-01-08 19:34:35

08.01.2010, 05:32
I done some years ago. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2715/4255985036_df83e1a7e0_o.jpgTo the best of my recollection I created a 3D pline by offsetting points from the stair treads (there's probably an easier way) ensuring a level section at at least one end, Placed the handrail outline exactly perpendicular to the level section, then as you say extruded along the pline.  I also got carried away and created full rope twist balusters, but by the time I copied these a hundred or so times up the stair the machine fell over.