Display full version of the post: In the Bay Area? Come to Happy Hour!

LTunlimited RSS
28.09.2011, 09:14
Ever wanted to give your feedback to the AutoCAD product team in person? Now's your chance! The AutoCAD product team is organizing a happy hour for Bay Area customers at The Gallery (at One Market) on Tuesday, Oct 4th. If you're in or near San Francisco, this will be a great opportunity to chat with the team--they'd love to hear about the work you do with AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, and your ideas/wishlist for the AutoCAD products. It's also a chance to get a tour of the Gallery (always a great place to visit) and network with fellow users in the area. Sadly I won't be there (although I'm making up for it with my travels this week--more on that later), but there'll be other times. In the meantim, spots are filling up fast, so reserve yours today: http://autocadatthegallery.eventbrite.com  Go to the original post...