Display full version of the post: Please Help

12.07.2010, 15:07
Hy...Hope there is someone here that cand help me find what I need. I am searching for a sprocket cad model for Catia V5. The sprocket should be with 21 tooth, the diameter which should fit with the shaft<sorry, don't know the name > 19mm and the second one with 83 tooth and the diameter of 25 mm....Hope you cand help me with a link or something

13.07.2010, 21:14
Why don't you just make these yourself? It's going to be very difficult to find exactly what you're looking for, and if you want someone to make them for you, you will need to provide full details and specs.

13.07.2010, 21:17
i found a tutorial on youtube...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XskE0ezMt6k ... if anyone needs this info ... I will do it myself ... it's easier ... thanks

22.07.2010, 22:27
this  tutoral may help you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44XTnXFuiCw&feature=related

02.12.2010, 12:22
Cad64 is right