Display full version of the post: Problem in Hatch Command

06.06.2012, 10:01
Hi All,
Recently I have started using CAD 2012. Since last 3 year we were working on LT 2007. Now when i am working on same files on my CAD 2012, I am facing a strange problem. Please note there are 02 other colleugue of mine, who are using CAD 2012, but they never came acroos such problems.
For ex., I have a floor plan, where to show 03 diff types material, I have used Ansi 132/ ANSI 137 & AR- Conc. Till the time we were working on LT, it was fine, but the moment I edited the hatch in my drg, it was converted into Solid fill on its own. I checked, but it was not the densing og hatch, but all the patterns were converted into solid fill. Since then i have re corrected hatches 5-6 times, but this problem always persists. Also this is happening with new files even.
I had contacted the CAD vendor, he had installed service pack & rechecked the location of dll files, but still I am facing this problem.
Would like to know if any one has faced the same issues or if any of you has a solution for this?
Please help

John Connor
06.06.2012, 11:58
Can you post a sample drawing so someone here can take a look at it?I'm using 2012 at the moment but I am experiencing no problems using the Hatch command.

Jennifer Leigh
10.06.2012, 09:51
I checked, but it was not the densing og hatch.

John Connor
10.06.2012, 15:08
Can you post a drawing?

13.06.2012, 06:15
Dear John,
Thanks a lot for the help.
May I request you to post your ID, to send you the CAD files.

John Connor
13.06.2012, 11:51
Just put your drawing in the CAD Block area if you can't attach it to your next post.

26.06.2012, 07:33
when you are making hatch in 2012 its default the scale factor will be 0 for all the hatches..can you please increse the scale factor in hatch edit and try...in scale 0 the hatch will be look like solid for all defferent types...others block that object and try it once...