Display full version of the post: Project Workflow with Vault and Civil 3D

07.07.2011, 08:59
The concepts are that design staff creates and models the Civil 3D
design elements in the respective files. Upon pushing these files into
the Vault, design elements become available to project team members
through vault data reference in addition to the standard AutoCAD XRef
functionality. By using the Civil 3D objects to feed the creation of
plan files, the technician can begin creating and labelling plans as
soon as the first iteration of the design has been checked into the
Vault. Now let’s take all this theory and put it to work using Vault
inside of Civil 3D. Working in Vault: Using
vault Civil 3D requires some mental effort. It is simply a new process
for moving and sharing data within the team. In this section, we will
look at the mechanics of all this interaction, including setting up the
project, checking data into the Vault, and creating some data reference. Preparing for projects in Civil 3D: For
most of the AutoCAD based products, creating a folder in Vault explorer
is enough to generate a project available in the program. Not so with
Civil 3D. because of the project mechanism used to pass information from
one drawing to another in Civil 3D, certain files must exist in a Vault
folder for Civil3D to recognize it as a valid project. First, let’s set
up a project template that matches our desired workflow; then we will
move to creating a project.You can more information visit http://www.cadd-centre.com