Display full version of the post: Shipping Container Section Details

11.12.2023, 05:31
I am desperately looking for a set of shipping container section details. I have found an image of some, but I am hoping I can be pointed in the direction of where I could download the CAD file for the details in the image I've attached below.Thank you.
kevingriego2023-12-11 05:32:46

Kent Cooper
11.12.2023, 19:16
Did those images come from a manufacturer's website?  Those very often also have .dwg files or other formats.  Or if not directly from the site, you may be able to request them in a "Contact Us" link.  If you have them in .PDF format, depending on how they were generated they may be importable as AutoCAD drawing objects, with the [appropriately named] PDFIMPORT command.