Display full version of the post: simple piping sketches setup

03.05.2016, 14:19
Hello CAD Forum,I am looking to do some simple piping isometric sketches...i have found a nice collection of piping isometric blocks that someone has arranged nicely on a single .dwg...what is the best way to set-up my autocad to use these same blocks?Do i insert this entire drawing into my sketch and copy the symbols i need or do i create a block for each symbol?Is there a good way to create tool palettes?What is everyone's opinion on doing this task?Thanks,Steve

John Connor
03.05.2016, 15:20
Create a new tool palette and populate it with the isometric blocks.OR...Utilize the Design Center to drag/drop the blocks from the master drawing into your new drawing.Methods for creating tool palettes from the AutoDesk Knowledge Network...https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/AutoCAD-Core/files/GUID-6B20D7DF-447A-4A8D-8FF1-8339CF54FFBD-htm.html

John Connor2016-05-03 15:22:31