Display full version of the post: Spline Help??

03.05.2010, 18:05
I have a drawing with roughly 1000 nodes that I need to fit a 3D spline to.  I have set the tolerance to zero to get the spline through the points but I am having trouble selecting them.  Is there a way to select the nodes that I want to fit the spline to and let it autofit itself to the data or do I have to go through and click these point one at a time?

04.05.2010, 05:36
Do you have the points in a separate data file? If not, I don't see how AutoCAD could know what order to select the points without user selecting each one.

05.05.2010, 17:33
I do have the points in a separate file.  I have an excel file with the locations.  Can AutoCAD  read a file and select the points in the order I prescribe?

05.05.2010, 17:55
You can copy the poit coordinates from Excel, as one selection, and paste intp AutoCAD's command line.First put coordinates in one column in "x,y" format, using concatenate function.Start the spline command, then for point input copy the entire column of coordinates from Excel, paste into AutoCAD.

05.05.2010, 18:25

[QUOTE=bbowes]I do have the points in a separate file.  I have an excel file with the locations.  Can AutoCAD  read a file and select the points in the order I prescribe?
[/QUOTE] Have you see the tip 6606 below this panel.