Display full version of the post: STL2DWG Converter Problems

11.07.2013, 17:06
Hi everyone,I downloaded an STL file of an OUYA case (the new game system) and I'm trying to convert it so that I can modify it, but every time I try to use the STL2DWG converter available on this site, it gives me an error. The file is 17MB so it's within the 20MB limit, I downloaded GLC Player to test the file, and it works fine, so there's no corruption. Does anybody know a fix? Or of another STL to DWG/DXF/SCR converter?Thanks!

John Connor
11.07.2013, 17:50
You can import a STL file into Inventor Fusion.  Assuming all goes well there might be a way to generate a DWG file but since I've never had a need to do it I cannot say for sure it can be done.

Vladimir Michl
11.07.2013, 19:56

Can you please send me the STL file (a link to download it)? I will check the STL2DWG process. In any case, Inventor Fusion is a way to go - you can re-export the imported file to SAT, STEP or IGES. There are also other conversion methods from STL to DWG - see:http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/formats.asp?fmtin=14&fmtout=1

11.07.2013, 22:04
Sure! The file is available here: http://www.thingiverse.com/download:162285If that doesn't work, go here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:66411Click "Download this thing" then right-click save as "Case.stl"Thanks for the support!