Display full version of the post: Water Tempertatures

12.02.2011, 06:15
Hi, I'm working on a project using Realflow and 3Ds max and I need some help.I am trying to show the temperature change of water through a treatment pond.The water coming in the inlet is hot and as it exits it is cooler.It would be great if I could show the hot water as red then transition to blue as the water cools. Is there any way to show this with Realflow and 3ds max or some way to make the particles change color over time?Thanks for all the help.

09.03.2011, 19:36
The indication for cold or hot water needs of different segments are connected.
The line items labeled as "GROUP" consecutive numbers.
It is possible to work with a lisp-routine.

;;This lisp change the color of a group, this group have numbers;;Is only type st as command!!(defun c:st (/ getbestand nummer bestand read1 lijst wie waar) (setq getbestand (getstring "\nName of text file plus extension...")) (setq nummer 1) (repeat 10  (setq nummer (+ nummer 1))  (setq bestand (findfile getbestand))  (if (null bestand)   (print "File not found....")   (progn    (setq bestand (open getbestand "r"))    (setq read1 (read-line bestand))    (if (null read1)     (print "File has no content...")     (while read1      (setq lijst (read (strcat "(" read1 ")")))      (if (= (car lijst) nummer)       (setq read1 nil)       (progn        (setq read1 (read-line bestand))        (setq lijst nil)       )      )     )    )    (close bestand)    (if (null lijst)     (print "File this value has not...")     (progn      (setq gr-r (cadr list))      (command "change" "g" gr-r "" "p" "ltscale" "0.01" "")      (command "change" "g" gr-r "" "p" "la" "kabelbanen" "")     )    )   )  ) ))Note: "kabelbanen" = the name of a layer!! Thus, you should change the name         "bestand"     = file         "nummer"      = number

09.03.2011, 21:24
You can't run lisp routines in 3DS Max.

10.03.2011, 07:40