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Export block coordinates to a table. How to use the DATAEXTRACTION command in AutoCAD LT?

A - answer AutoCAD LT does not offer the DATAEXTRACTION command, but you can use one of the most common variants of this command - exporting block coordinates - even in AutoCAD LT. At least since version 2024, which supports LISP applications.

Using a freeware utility by Arkance Systems - BlockCoords - you can easily export the coordinates of selected blocks, including their attributes if any, from both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT to a CSV table for Excel.

Download the BlockCoords application from Download, load it into your CAD using APPLOAD and type the BLOCKCOORDS command. Select an example of the block you want to export, and then all the references of that block you want to export (e.g. All). The application will create a .CSV file in the current working folder (with the same name as your DWG drawing) with a list of X,Y,Z coordinates and values of all block attributes.

The CSV file uses the correct Excel delimiter and an automatic header - no need to set anything.

Sample output:


BlockCoords in use:

In V1.1 we have added support for dynamic blocks and showed a mod for export of rotation angles (uncomment the second lines with "***" and comment the first ones).

In older versions of AutoCAD LT you can use the Export XYZ function from our LT Extension for a similar purpose.

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See also:
Tip 14059:Import coordinates from CSV files into Fusion profiles.
Tip 12926:How to import point coordinates from Excel to AutoCAD?
Tip 11913:Simple export of vertex-coordinates from a selected polyline.
Tip 11776:Export XYZ coordinates of DWG objects from AutoCAD LT.
Tip 11076:Reading and displaying 3D point matrix from a CSV file.

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