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How to display a DWG from Advance Steel including AS objects? (AST viewer)

A - answer Standard DWG viewers (e.g. DWG TrueView or cloud-based Autodesk Viewer) do not support special "steel" objects from Autodesk Advance Steel - they display them as lines or points only. So how to fully display DWG drawings from this software application?

There are basically two options:

  1. Get rid of the special objects - while still inside Advance Steel, either explode those objects to standard DWG entities, or export your DWG drawing to a neutral format - e.g. to 3D DWF, IFC or ACIS. These formats can be then viewed e.g. with Autodesk Viewer. To select the special Advance Steel objects, use the command QSELECT and select the object types starting with "AST".
  2. Install the "Object Enabler" for Advance Steel to your viewer - e.g. to the free Autodesk DWG TrueView or AutoCAD LT. This enabler "learns" the viewer to process also the special AST objects. Both the DWG TrueView and the necessary Object Enablers of the given version can be downloaded from Download.

    Note: on a computer with Advance Steel installed you don't need to install the Enabler.

    Note: if the objects stop displaying, try a repair installation of your Enabler (Windows Control Panels)

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30.7.2019    32475×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: Advance Steel · DWG · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 6922:Product codes (registry) of Autodesk CAD applications.
Tip 6312:Making transfer of AutoCAD DWG files faster over WAN.

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