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How to scale a 3D model to a given size in Fusion 360?

A - answer If you need to re-scale (e.g. after import), i.e. change size of a 3D solid to a specified size, use the command Scale (MODIFY > Scale).

In the SCALE dialog, select the resized solid, its reference point (base point for scaling), its scale type (uniform, non-uniform X-Y-Z) and the scale factor (>1 for scale-up, <1 for scale-down). You can specify the scale factor either as a plain numeric value (e.g. 10 to enlarge 10x, 0.1 for 10x smaller solid), or you can specify it by an arithmetic expression for the embedded calculator - e.g. as a ratio of the original length and its newly requested length (e.g. 3.5/5.7).

You can measure the original (existing) size with the I command (INSPECT > Measure) and copy the measured value (incl. units) from the result palette by a mouse-click(left mouse button). Then paste the measured value to the "Scale factor" field with Ctrl+V and complete the arithmetic expression to calculate the target size (or area).


The same function is available also in the web version of Fusion 360:

The overview of all available arithmetic functions (the same as for parameters) for the expressions can be found here.
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See also:
Tip 13228:DWG or DXF file exported to/from Fusion 360 has incorrect size (scale, 10x larger/smaller).
Tip 12609:Dynamo - how to convert a raster photo to 3D model in Revit?
Tip 12464:How much water is boiling in the Utah teapot?
Tip 10167:Keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.
Tip 6210:Various types of anonymous blocks in AutoCAD.

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