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CAD tip CAD tip # 13246:

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I can't copy/paste a block from AutoCAD into an Inventor drawing.

A - answer With a simple Copy/Paste function I can paste - directly from an AutoCAD DWG to an Inventor IDW - any shape, geometry without problems. But if this shape is inside a block, some blocks cannot be pasted this way. Why?

Check if your block contains any special AutoCAD objects/entities or if it is a parametric dynamic block. Also, make sure the block does not use multiple nesting (a block within a block). If it does, simplify it to a standard single-level block and repeat the copy/paste into Inventor.

(tip by: M.Depta)

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See also:
Tip 10167:Keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.
Tip 10068:Surface texture symbol with predefined texts and symbols.
Tip 9719:Animating constraints in Showcase: AdWorkflowHost is unknown.
Tip 9651:Convert a DWG 3D mesh model to an Inventor 3D solid part.
Tip 9558:Copying parts including constraints in Inventor 2014.

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