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CAD tip CAD tip # 7811:

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Nature doesn't use right angles.

A - answer Sometimes it is necessary to apply a random element to your technical drawings, which will make your design more "human". Blocks of cars in the parking lot, placed with the ARRAY command will not look natural, trees spaced along the road with the MEASURE command usually do not grow at precise intervals. Rigid spacing and right angles may disturb the impression.

For these and similar cases you can use our LISP utility CADstudio Scatter. This tool scatters the selected objects - moves (nudges) each of them for a random displacement. You can select the move in 2D, in 3D, or only in one of the axes (e.g. only in Z).

You can download the Scatter utility from Download, load it with the APPLOAD command and start it with the SCATTER command.

The result of the random scatter is e.g. this:

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See also:
Tip 13858:Is there also a SETBYBLOCK command?
Tip 13452:HideItem - hiding individual items in AutoCAD arrays or attributes
Tip 13221:Attractor - snap multiple objects to existing points/vertices.
Tip 12609:Dynamo - how to convert a raster photo to 3D model in Revit?
Tip 12046:Random shape and appearance of an Inventor part or assembly.

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