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CAD tip CAD tip # 7648:

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Area not displayed for some boundaries or hatches.

A - answer The Properties window, the AREA command and some LISP utilities based on the AREA command and the variable PERIMETER do not show the value of area nor length for some boundary curves in AutoCAD 2010, 2011 and higher.

AutoCAD 2010 (in fact the version 2009 with Bonus Pack) has changed the algorithm for calculating areas and perimeters. You can no longer use these on self-intersecting and self-touching curves. Make sure your boundary curve is a closed polyline which touches only at its start point and end point.

Modify your AutoLISP routines to use (vlax-get object 'Length) instead of the combination AREA/PERIMETER.

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16.11.2010    33289×  
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applies to: AutoCAD 2010 · AutoCAD 2011 ·

See also:
Tip 13150:How to hatch selected objects including overlays and islands?
Tip 12287:AutoCAD hatch flood-fill does not honor all boundaries.
Tip 12129:Atypical use of meshing for tiling a closed shape.
Tip 7916:Searching for hatches with missing Area property.
Tip 7654:Three methods for transparent images in AutoCAD.

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