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CAD tip CAD tip # 13817:

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Cannot type decimal number in the transformation field in Autodesk Meshmixer (e.g. Scale).

A - answer When you try to enter a decimal number, for example in the "Scale X" field when transforming a 3D model (Edit > Transform) in Meshmixer, the decimal point is either ignored or the entered number is changed to 0.

The cause is the system setting of the decimal separator in Windows. Either change it from the decimal comma to the dec. point or start the transformation graphically, by dragging a vector in the colored gizmo element in the model. Then modify the resulting random/inexact number in the scale field numerically, from your keyboard. But do not delete the decimal delimiter. The resulting number is then accepted with the correct decimal separator.

The Translate and Rotate fields work similarly .

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See also:
Tip 13402:Which products and features can I use for free with Flex Token licensing?
Tip 12749:Generate parametric mathematical 3D surfaces (meshes) in Fusion 360.
Tip 12710:Boolean subtraction of 3D mesh objects in Meshmixer.
Tip 12064:3D offset of a surface.
Tip 12053:Analysis of stability - will it upset?

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