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CAD tip CAD tip # 13491:

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How do I create a point group that meets given criteria?

A - answer If you need to create a point group in the Prospector in a Civil 3D project, that matches specific criteria (e.g. a range of point numbers, elevations, etc.), you can use the Point Group property settings.

On the Include (or Exclude) tab, specify the desired criteria, such as a specific value, a range from-to, or an expression for the specified value, such as >NN, or a list of conditions. You can filter points higher than the specified height Z, points with a number in the range N1-N2, etc.

Multiple specified criteria are bound by the AND condition, comma-separated values are bound by the OR condition.

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applies to: Civil 3D ·

See also:
Tip 14056:How to move blocks in the Z axis to the terrain model surface?
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13864:Displaying the curvature comb or radii of a general curve - CurvComb.
Tip 13767:How to copy a DWG object to existing points?
Tip 12403:Get center point of a group of selected objects.

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