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CAD tip CAD tip # 11732:

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How to sort BOM or parts list by part number in Inventor? (iLogic)

A - answer You can change sort order of your parts list in an Inventor drawing using the following simple iLogic rule - it re-sorts the partlist so that its individual items (rows) are listed in ascending order their part number.

The re-sorted parts list can be then renumbered starting by 1.

On Error Resume Next
Dim oDwgDoc As DrawingDocument
oDwgDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oPartsList1 As PartsList
oPartsList1 = oDwgDoc.ActiveSheet.PartsLists.Item(1)
If oPartsList1 Is Nothing Then
	MsgBox ("No parts list!")
	oPartsList1.Sort("PART NUMBER") ' Needs to be localized: e.g. BAUTEILNUMMER (de), ČÍSLO SOUČÁSTI (cz)
End If 

If you need to change sort order of your assembly BOM in a similar way, use the following iLogic rule:

'Get active assembly
Dim activeAssembly As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'Get structured bom view
Dim bomView As BOMView = activeAssembly.ComponentDefinition.BOM.BOMViews(2)
'Sort by Part Number
Call bomView.Sort("Part Number", True)
'Renumber rows
Call bomView.Renumber(1, 1)
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See also:
Tip 14061:Animated drawing of geometry in AutoCAD.
Tip 13917:Check for concurrently running named licenses (device limit).
Tip 13855:DBXscanLayers and DBXscanBlocks - bulk report content of DWG files in a folder.
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.
Tip 13826:Overview of a document history in Autodesk Docs.

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