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Largest number of versions among Vault documents.

A - answer How to find the largest number of versions of a document in your Vault? Do you have e.g. up to 75 versions stored with your documents? Do you need them?

Run the Vault Administrator's console, ADMSConsole.exe, in the list of vaults click on the name of your Vault repository and in the displayed list of its properties look at the value of the "Largest Version".

You can use the function "Purge files..." in the context menu under the vault name to remove too old versions (compliant with the given rules). You can purge all old version except N latest versions, all versions older than a given number of days, or keep all versions commented in a given way (e.g. containing "important change").

100% *  CAD 
6.12.2016    4743×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: Vault ·

See also:
Tip 12893:"Publish is not Successful" when editing a family in Content Center.
Tip 12555:Can I upgrade my CAD/PDM server to Windows Server 2019?
Tip 10342:Compatibility of Vault Server with older versions of Vault clients.
Tip 8610:Compatibility of Vault server 2013 with older client versions.
Tip 6945:How to transfer a Content Center library to or from Vault server?

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