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CAD tip CAD tip # 11189:

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Mass rename of spaces (Revit MEP) from rooms in an underlaid architecture model.

A - answer The Space Naming Utility could be used (up to Revit version 2017) to automatically transfer room names and numbers from an architecture model to space properties in Revit MEP. Since version 2017.1, this add-on is already included in Revit, so you can use this function without any additional installations.

You can get the Space Naming Utility for Revit 2017 and 2016 from the Autodesk Apps store, respectively from your Autodesk Accounts (Desktop App).

See the blog NaZdi and the video:

If the function "Space Naming" is grayed out, enable Systems > Mechanical analysis in the User interface options (Options).

100% *  CAD 
30.11.2016    6270×  
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applies to: Revit ·

See also:
Tip 11350:How to renumber Revit rooms in a given order?
Tip 11349:How to list Revit room areas by the DIN 277-1 standard?
Tip 9470:Rooms from Revit projects into Navisworks.
Tip 5334:How to schedule areas of non-closed spaces in Revit?
Tip 4826:Common label for multiple rooms in Revit.

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