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CAD tip CAD tip # 13722:

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Monitoring system performance in Revit.

A - answer The availability of your workstation's system resources, such as physical memory, virtual memory, CPU and LAN load, and disk space, affects the performance of your BIM project. You can monitor status of these resources using the System Performance Monitor by clicking the System Performance icon in the header of the Worksharing Monitor dialog box.

After activating the "Keep system performance on top" option, this monitoring window will remain displayed above other applications and at the same time its transparency can be set (ranging from 0 to 80%).

100% *  CAD 
10.5.2023    10310×  
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applies to: Revit ·

See also:
Tip 13633:How to run Revit, Inventor or Windows version of AutoCAD on macOS?
Tip 11433:Should I use Win10 Game Mode for my AutoCAD, Inventor or Revit?
Tip 10296:Using cloud render in Fusion 360.
Tip 9972:Create free 3D PDF output files from any CAD software.
Tip 8852:Publish interactive 3D models on the web with Autodesk 360.

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