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PropByLayer - an inverse function to SetByLayer.

A - answer The LISP utility PropByLayer works as an inverse function to the SetByLayer command. As this command changes object properties to "ByLayer" taking over the color, linetype and other properties of the layer the lay in, the application PropByLayer does the opposite - for the objects you select, it replaces their "ByLayer" properties by true, individual explictit properties taken over from the layers the individual objects lay in.

Download the LISP application from Download, load it with APPLOAD, type the command PROPBYLAYER and select the objects to process. The tool will assign the color (both ACI and truecolor), line type, line weight and transparency as defined in their individual layers. Individually preset object properties will not be changed. If you want to change even these properties, perform SetByLayer first.

This app contains also the command PropByObject which sets layer properties from the first object on that layer.

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21.6.2019    8929×  

See also:
Tip 13858:Is there also a SETBYBLOCK command?
Tip 13435:Bulk setting of layer properties according to the object in that layer.
Tip 10921:The tolerance frame is displayed or printed in different line weight.
Tip 10574:Four methods for exploding blocks in AutoCAD.
Tip 8128:How to quickly get the real color of a drawing entity?

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