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How to load a .NET application into AutoCAD?

A - answer To load an add-on application programmed using the .NET development platform with the AutoCAD .NET API, you can use the NETLOAD command. This command will load the application's .DLL file into your AutoCAD session.

You can include this command in the standard AutoCAD "autoload" tools, or you can load the application using the "demandload" mechanism.

100% *  CAD 
20.11.2007    20642×  

See also:
Tip 13683:Limitations of the LISP language (AutoLISP, VisualLISP) in AutoCAD LT - what to watch out for
Tip 13177:How to list Civil subassemblies used in the DWG file?
Tip 11854:iLogic error in Inventor 2019: invocation of constructor threw an exception
Tip 11665:Export to Excel creates an empty table with the text DeleteMe.
Tip 10889:How to get user's full domain name, phone No., department, e-mail...

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