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CAD tip CAD tip # 11179:

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Select objects in negative elevation or in a given 3D octant.

A - answer Using the LISP filter "-4" you can easily select DWG objects, which have their definition/reference point above or below a given limit set on the individual X,Y,Z components of their coordinates. So you can select/filter objects with a reference point in a positive or negative Z-elevation, or in the positive XY half-space, or in the positive XYZ octant.

See examples of selecttion sets (can be input on the "Select objects:" prompt)

Negative Z-elevation:
(ssget "_X" '((-4 . "*,*,<")(10 0 0 0)))

Positive XY half-space, any Z:
(ssget "_X" '((-4 . ">=,>=,*")(10 0 0 0)))

Positive XY half-space, only "zero" Z (flat):
(ssget "_X" '((-4 . ">=,>=,=")(10 0 0 0)))

Positive octant XYZ:
(ssget "_X" '((-4 . ">=,>=,>=")(10 0 0 0)))

You can also combine the filters through AND, OR, NOT. Please note that only the reference point is checked (e.g. a circle center, polyline starting point), not the whole bounding box of a drawing entity.

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See also:
Tip 13737:Formatting leading zeros in AutoCAD fields (and automatic field update).
Tip 13716:HYPERLIST - list of all used URLs.
Tip 13688:How to select all DWG objects of a certain type in AutoCAD LT? (texts, circles...)
Tip 13049:Bulk 3D rotation of selected objects around individual axes.
Tip 12210:How to erase a specific object type in all DWG layouts?

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