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CAD tip CAD tip # 13948:

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Undocumented function for quick block attribute editing - directly edit an attribute.

A - answer To change a text or value of a block attribute in the drawing, the usual procedure is to double-click the block and find the required attribute in the advanced attribute editor dialog.

However, there is a faster way. With the Ctrl key pressed, you can directly double-click the desired attribute and directly edit its text in the in-place editor. So you can directly edit picked attributes.

Note: you run the command ATTIPEDIT, its behaviour can be controlled with the variable ATTIPE

100% *  CAD 
5.12.2023    39457×  

See also:
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.
Tip 13522:LookupXLS - populating DWG texts from Excel spreadsheets.
Tip 13000:Labels of dimensional parameter values in dynamic blocks (parameters->attributes)
Tip 12264:How to show dimension tolerance in a different color?
Tip 12172:How to show or hide an object in all visibility states?

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