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Why I cannot see the "My Insights" tips and hints in AutoCAD?

A - answer Since AutoCAD 2022.1, the startup window offers the function "My Insights" (Product Insights). It uses your application usage data to detect and display personalized information, recommendations, hints and tips to make your work in AutoCAD more effective.

If this function does not show, there may be several reasons for that:

  • You have not installed (updated) the version 2022.1 or higher
  • You don't have the right product - the function is available in AutoCAD, not in AutoCAD LT nor in the vertical, industry-specific AutoCAD versions
  • You don't use named license - this function is available only in named subscriptions, after you log-in to your Autodesk ID account
  • You have switched off the product usage data collection - see the command DESKTOPANALYTICS
  • The function has not yet enough data about your way of using AutoCAD
  • You don't have a commercial AutoCAD license (but e.g. an education license), or you are a subscription manager - managers see an overview of all their managed users instead of their own data
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applies to: AutoCAD 2022 ·

See also:
Tip 13849:How to install a custom font in AutoCAD Web?
Tip 12908:How to transfer settings between projects in Plant 3D?
Tip 11289:Adding, multiplying and rounding numbers inside DWG drawing texts - NumInText.
Tip 10889:How to get user's full domain name, phone No., department, e-mail...
Tip 10682:Automatic classification of drawing objects by their properties.

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