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CAD tip CAD tip # 13012:

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Why Revit doesn't display temporary dimensions when inserting windows or doors?

A - answer By default, Revit displays dynamic dimensions during the insertion of building elements.

However, if Revit takes more than 200 milliseconds to calculate the values of these temporary dimensions, it will not display them and you must activate them manually. The reason for this is to preserve the interactivity of working in Revit.

This situation can also arise when inserting a single window or door, in cases where the given door or window family is extensive in terms of the number of masses, nested families, or conditional calculations.

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See also:
Tip 13409:How to create Revit Window and Door schedules with legend views?
Tip 8019:How to schedule nested families in Revit?
Tip 4859:Revit walls with varying thickness.

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