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How to copy an AutoCAD DWG drawing into MS Word or other Office software?

A - answer You can use the standard Copy/Paste functionality to transfer your DWG drawing from AutoCAD to Word (Excel, or other Office application) including any special objects (e.g. AEC-walls), lineweights, texts, etc.

In AutoCAD use the function Edit/Copy (Ctrl-C), in Word then Edit/Paste (Ctrl-V), eventually Paste As. For transferring line widths first enable the lineweight display (the LWT button in AutoCAD status bar). After you paste the drawing, you can double-click on it in Word to edit it in AutoCAD. You can use more advanced transfer options with the BetterWMF utility (see Download).

Do not use the Word function Insert/Image/From file.

You can also use the WMF export from AutoCAD - WMFOUT.

For background issues - look for tips to "background WMF".

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See also:
Tip 8703:File formats compatible with Autodesk BIM 360 Glue.
Tip 6254:How to convert an AutoCAD DWG to CorelDRAW CDR file?
Tip 4660:Safety signs for AutoCAD.
Tip 3812:Beware of using Copy/Paste to copy AutoCAD entities inside drawings.
Tip 3004:How to export a drawing in hires vector file format from Autodesk Inventor?

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