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CAD glossary CAD terms glossary


CAD glossary



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Compiled object-oriented programming language based on the C-language
CAD Studio
The company CAD Studio s.r.o. (Ltd.) - now ARKANCE - the provider of this web service, Autodesk Platinum Partner
Computer aided Acquisition and Logistics Support - raster file format
(CIMSteel Integration Standards) - product model and electronic data exchange file format for structural steel project information, based on STEP (ISO 10301)
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK - color model used for representation of printed color hues, especially in the press industry
(COLLAborative Design Activity) data exchange format for 3D applications (specification by Sony/Khronos). COLLADA files .DAE are based on XML. Supported also by Autodesk.
lying in the same plane - points or point sets that all lie in the same plane in 3D space
(CAD Studio Plus) extended technical support plus additional bonus utilities, implementation documents, libraries, styles and other materials exclusively supplied with Autodesk CAD products by CAD Studio
Custom User Interface - XML file with menu definitions for AutoCAD (version 2006 and higher) replacing the MNU, MNS, MNC files

Propose a change or add an new term. See also the AutoCAD command dictionary.