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CAD tip CAD tip # 6724:


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With the CADstudio BLegend utility you can easily create a legend (BOM table) of blocks used in your drawing (including icons - thumbnail previews of the blocks).

Load the LISP utility with APPLOAD and start it with the BLegend command. Since version 1.1 you can select block names and layers to include in the resulting table. Since version 1.2 you can schedule selected block references only. Then pick the top left corner of the legend table and specify its width. The legend will list all blocks in the current space (model/paper), their names, descriptions (see the block editor) and count. The legend is created in the current table style. You can then customize it (e.g. remove a column).

The labels are created in the current locale language (CZ/EN).

Generated block legend (in Czech) - picture-name-description-count
Legend (in Czech) created from the DWG block library Animals

You can download the free BLegend utility from Download.

Application dialog (in Czech)

100% *CAD
4.6.2009    42725×  

See also:
Tip 14414:Link geo-tagged photos from your mobile phone to AutoCAD DWG maps.
Tip 14386:Visual catalog of blocks defined in a DWG drawing.
Tip 14361:Extended ATTOUT/ATTIN for block attribute management in Excel (also for LT).
Tip 14285:How to identify duplicate blocks in AutoCAD DWG drawings? SelDupBlk.
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?

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