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CAD tip CAD tip # 7214:


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If you need to replace a series of graphically similar or identical blocks (block references) with another (single) block, you can use the CADstudio RIBlock utility.

E.g. your drawing may contain blocks named 3.1601, 3.1602, 3.1603..., which are graphically identical (and each one is inserted only once). With RIBlock you can replace all such blocks with a single one, e.g. "B3.16":

  • Load RIBlock (APPLOAD), run the RIBLOCK command and use the "Block name mask" box to enter the mask
  • - alternatively, switch first to the commandline mode (set CMDDIA to 0) and then run the tool using the RIBLOCK command
  • - on the first selection prompt - select blocks to replace - use the "Typed" option (to input block name)
  • Type "3.16*" as the block name mask
  • The selection of the new (replacement) block can be done by picking it or by entering its name
  • Wait for blocks being replaced; possible attributes with the same tags can be automatically synchronized (from the original instance or from the replacement).

You can download the free LISP utility "CADstudio RIblock" from Download

100% *CAD
12.2.2010    20649×  

See also:
Tip 14402:What is the difference between the BLOCKREPLACE, BREPLACE, REPLACEBLOCK, RIBLOCK and BLKREDEF commands?
Tip 14361:Extended ATTOUT/ATTIN for block attribute management in Excel (also for LT).
Tip 14223:Arithmetic operations for renaming blocks, levels, layouts...
Tip 14200:How can I use multiple title blocks in an Inventor drawing?
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.

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Simply link AutoCAD LT blocks to Excel table data.
Excellink LT 2006 More info

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