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CAD tip CAD tip # 8052:


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To break selected polylines at multiple points - at the POINT objects placed along the polylines - you can use the LISP utility CADstudio BreakPls.

This tool prompts to select the polylines and then automatically breaks them. The points must be visible (PDMODE). An example of the original polylines and the status after BreakPls is illustrated on the following pictures:

Original drawing
Original drawing

After BreakPls
After BreakPls - only some segments selected

The BreakPls utility can be downloaded from Download

100% *CAD
21.6.2011    17068×  

See also:
Tip 10091:Adding polyline vertices in fixed intervals.
Tip 7998:How to change a straight polyline segment to arc segment?
Tip 7503:Autodesk 3ds Max keyboard shortcuts.
Tip 6895:How to use spline as a breakline in Civil 3D?
Tip 6650:Break curve at all listed distances (stations).

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