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CAD tip CAD tip # 9651:

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Convert a DWG 3D mesh model to an Inventor 3D solid part.

A - answer The following video-tip illustrates how to convert a 3D mesh (surface) model (e.g. from a DWG file) to a solid body using Inventor's stitch function. The mesh model is composed from 3DFaces and it has to be watertight - fully enclose a volume. If you generate your surface model algorithmically (e.g. using 3DPlot) or with ReCap functions, try to keep it simple.

When importing your DWG file, make sure you click through the folder structure in the Open dialog - do not just paste the full filename. In the import wizard, check the neccessary options to load the DWG objects to a 3D part file.

The loaded model is a surface model (has e.g. no volume in iProperties). You can stitch it to a solid part (stitching can use a tolerance setting). The solid part can be then re-exported to a DWG or other CAD formats.

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18.1.2014    27275×  
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applies to: Inventor ·

See also:
Tip 14095:How to increase the accuracy (smoothness) of STL files exported from AutoCAD?
Tip 14056:How to move blocks in the Z axis to the terrain model surface?
Tip 14053:Why doesn't my export from Civil 3D to IFC 4.3 export surfaces and solids?
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?
Tip 13805:Projecting/embossing a profile on a curved surface in Fusion 360.

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