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CAD tip # 11708:
You can download the TXT2BLK utility from Download, load it with APPLOAD and run by typing the TXT2BLK command. Then just select the standard texts to convert. Nothing changes visually after the conversion, but instead of texts your drawing will contain objects of the type INSERT - i.e. block references (specifically the automatically created block "Txt2Blk_Block") with the filled value of the variable attribute "ATT1" (reflecting the original text string value). These blocks can be then included in standard workflows of attribute export and similar processes.
The command TXT2BLKZ will add elevation text based on the text's Z coordinate.
If you predefine your own block "Txt2Blk_Block" or "Txt2Blk_BlockZ", the conversion tool will use the geometry of this block (instead of plain text).