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CAD tip CAD tip # 10709:


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You can use the script ImportSplineCSV in Autodesk Fusion 360 to read-in an outline profile or other spline curve defined by XYZ coordinates of its individual vertices (or just points).

This script can be invoked with the top menu File > Scripts and Add-ins (or press Shift+S). In the dialog then select the predefined script written in the JavaScript or Python languages, called "ImportSplineCSV" and click Run. Then just choose your CSV file (e.g. exported from Excel) containing the point coordinates and Fusion will generate the respective spline curve.

Data in your CSV file must be comma-separated, with "." as decimal point separator, and all 3 coordinates X,Y,Z must be used (Z can be 0).

To load CSV files from localized Excel versions (e.g. German - semicolon delimiters, decimal comma) or 2D (XY) only CSVs, use the globalized script ImportSplineCSVg - see Download. Unpack its folder to other Fusion scripts - e.g. to:


or rather to

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360\API\Scripts\

and add the .js file to "My Scripts" with "+".

The variant ImportSplineCSVm can import multiple profiles at once - delimited by an empty line in the CSV file.

The variant ImportPointsCSV reads the coordinates as Points, not Splines.

100% *CAD
22.1.2016    32626×  
applies to: Fusion 360 360 ·

See also:
Tip 14367:What CAD formats are supported in the free Personal (hobby) license of Autodesk Fusion?
Tip 14075:Overview of CAD formats supported in Inventor 2025 (import/export/AnyCAD).
Tip 13944:Intersection of a 3D spline with a plane in Fusion 360.
Tip 13935:How to get machining data from a thread designed in Fusion?
Tip 13917:Check for concurrently running named licenses (device limit).

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