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CAD tip CAD tip # 10301:


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The standard command PLOT in AutoCAD 2016 and higher, with its output preset to one of the embedded PDF drivers (.PC3), maintains also any hyperlinks attached to drawing objects with the HYPERLINK command, or attached automatically from the Sheet Set Manager. This is its default setting.

Hyperlinks are preserved both when using the standard driver "DWG To PDF.pc3", and also when selecting one of the new "purpose" drivers - "AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3", "AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3" or "AutoCAD PDF (Web and Mobile).pc3". There is one exception - the austerity driver "AutoCAD PDF (Smallest File).pc3" - this driver removes the hyperlinks to make the resulting PDF file as short as possible.

But you can switch publishing of hyperlinks individually in PDF Options (see the Plot dialog).

You can get similar results of PDF output when using the command PUBLISH with the option of one of the PDF drivers:

Older AutoCAD versions maintained hyperlinks only in the output to the DWF/DWFx format files.

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See also:
Tip 7549:DEPENDS - displaying file dependencies in a DWG drawing.
Tip 4148:How to make a hypertext link from a drawing to another drawing or document?

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