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CAD tip CAD tip # 6660:


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If you need to simplify a complex 3D object formed by a high number of faces, you can use the ProOptimizer tool in 3ds Max (or 3ds Max Design) 2010 and higher.

The optimization of 3D objects can be invoked either through the "ProOptimizer" modifier - for selected objects in your scene, or as a batch optimization tool ProOptimizer, which can simplify in one go all .max and .obj files in a selected folder.

This batch tool can be run from the Utilities panel. Click on the button "More..." and in the list of utilities choose "Batch ProOptimizer". In the panel then click on the button "Batch Optimization" and in the dialog of this utility select he input and output files and a number of parameters controlling the method of optimization.


The ProOptimizer tool reduces the number of vertices (faces, polygons) in 3D objects while preserving the object’s appearance. Optimizing objects can reduce a scene’s memory requirements, simplify modeling because objects have fewer faces, and improve the speed of viewport display and rendering time.
100% *CAD
5.5.2009    33911×  
applies to: 3ds Max 2010 ·

See also:
Tip 14382:Steel and other materials according to DIN or EU standards for Fusion.
Tip 14380:Stereoscopic camera and anaglyphs in Autodesk 3ds Max.
Tip 14359:Automatic macro execution when opening a CAD file (AutoCAD, Inventor, Max, PowerMill)
Tip 14349:12 free material texture libraries for PBR rendering.
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).

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