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CAD tip CAD tip # 7502:


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The history of UNDO / REDO allows to undo and redo only commands in the sequence in which they were performed.

But in case of undoing the erase function (either the ERASE command or the implied erase after the BLOCK command) you can skip the latest performed commands in the series and revert (undo) directly only the erase operation - even when it was followed by other commands. For this, you can use a special command with an emotional name - OOPS.

100% *CAD
17.8.2010    14769×  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 14248:How to run Dynamo script from LISP, menu or .SCR script in Civil 3D?
Tip 14192:MLfillet - how to fillet multilines in AutoCAD?
Tip 14106:Printing of the underlay map with a light background.
Tip 13977:How to publish a PDF to the same folder as a DWG drawing in AutoCAD?
Tip 13948:Undocumented function for quick block attribute editing - directly edit an attribute.

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